Planes of Existence Update 2 Changelog


- Powerup that destroys the weakest unit has been replaced with a powerup that gives double score on next slain creature.

- New mode: HARD MODE.

- New mode: ENDLESS MODE.


- Small needle box won't show the pins after Diff 10 skirmish.


- New interaction sounds for clicking on disabled souls and trying to buy new souls with no orbs.


- You can switch between new modes in Main Menu.

- Main menu now has a "PLAY" button instead of a "PRESS <SPACE> TO PLAY" prompt.

 - You can now press <ESCAPE> during gameplay to bring up a pause menu.

Hard Mode (New):

- Enemies' power grows exponentially.

- Enemies give more orbs as a reward.

- Malicious soul self destructs upon use.

- Player has a limited amount of skips (2). A skip is used when player skips a skirmish plane without slaying a single creature. Running out of skips prompts a game over screen.

Endless Mode (New):

- Applies all modifiers from Hard Mode.

- Difficulty cap is now removed. The game can only be finished by using all your skips or by having no souls left.

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16 days ago 40 MB
16 days ago 43 MB
16 days ago

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